Partner with us
Collaboration is at the heart of modern science and engineering, and Fermilab engages in various partnerships in the quantum arena. We realize that advancing and shaping the future of quantum computing and quantum science and technology is not something we can do on our own and are already partnering with more than 20 different organizations, including academic institutions, industry partners and national labs. Partnership has been the key in all the quantum research we are doing now. The areas we collaborate on include quantum information, photonics, materials science and other fields.

Fermilab is establishing partnerships with:
Fermilab is the lead institution for the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center.
Fermilab is a partner laboratory in the Quantum Science Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Fermilab is also a member of the Chicago Quantum Exchange, an intellectual hub and partnership for advancing academic and industrial efforts in the science and engineering of quantum information.
We are always looking for other organizations to partner with, whether from private industry, academia or government, to discuss how we can collaborate and share our resources and expertise. Learn more about partnering with Fermilab.
Contact us today to find out what we can discover together.